内科 202318卷06期 页码:585-589
作者机构:1 广西壮族自治区人民医院健康管理中心,南宁市530000;2 广西壮族自治区人民医院老年心血管内科,南宁市530000
[Abstract] Moesin belongs to the ERM family of proteins and has a role in linking the cytoskeleton to each other by attaching actin to the cytoplasmic tail of transmembrane proteins to regulate the formation of structures such as f-actin microspines and microvilli, which maintain the normal cytoskeletal structure. It can function by activating pathways such as the small RhoGTPasesRho, Rac and Cdc42, thereby affecting plasma membrane (PM)-to-cell signalling. Given the key role of various activating moesin pathways in endothelial cell regulation, it is expected that moesin activation mechanisms will be used to explore strategies for targeting diseases related to vascular endothelial cell injury.