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论著 | 更新时间:2016-01-29
Analysis of the disease constitutes of inpatients in Gerontology Department and study of the health management mode of Elderly People

内科 201103期 页码:199-201



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目的了解我院老年病科住院病人的疾病构成情况,为研究慢性病健康管理的合理模式提供依据。方法对我院2010年1~12月老年病科住院病人的出院病案和相关统计数据进行回顾性分析。结果男性病人高于女性病人;70~89岁的老年病人占71.52%;前5位系统疾病依次为:呼吸系统疾病、循环系统疾病、神经系统疾病、内分泌系统疾病和消化系统疾病,占总住院人数的81.93%;前5位疾病依次为冠心病、肺部感染、糖尿病、脑梗死和高血压,占总住院人数的54.20%;平均住院医疗费用6 305元。结论随着人口老龄化,必须加强老年病科建设,在老年患者中推行慢性病健康管理,有利于实现“健康老龄化”。
ObjectiveTo study the current situation of inpatients in Gerontology Department of our hospital aimed to provide scientific basis for studying the reasonable mode of health management of chronic diseases among elderly people.MethodsMedical records and relevant statistical data of inpatients in Gerontology Department of our hospital from Jan.to Dec.of 2010 were analyzed retrospectively.ResultsThe proportion of male patients was higher than that of female.Elderly patients between the age of 70 and 89 accounted for 71.52%.The top five kinds of systemic diseases in rank order of inpatients proportions were:respiratory disease,circulatory disease,neurological disease,endocrine disease and digestive disease,accounting for 81.93% of the total number of inpatients.The top five diseases in rank order of inpatients proportions were:coronary heart disease,lung infection,diabetes,cerebral infarction and hypertension,which accounted for 54.20% of the total number of inpatients.The average cost of hospitalization for each patient was RMB 6305 Yuan.ConclusionWith the aging of the population,to strengthen the construction of Gerontology Department and carry out health management of chronic diseases helps to realize “the healthy aging”.
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