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论著 | 更新时间:2023-10-31
The relationships between fear of recurrence, family resilience, and health-promoting behaviors in elderly stroke patients and the pathways

内科 202318卷05期 页码:431-434+496

作者机构:1 广西中医药大学,南宁市530001;2 广西中医药大学附设中医学校,南宁市530022;3 广西医科大学第一临床医学院,南宁市530021

基金信息:▲基金项目:广西职业教育第一批专业发展研究基地项目《广西职业教育护理专业及专业群建设研究基地》(编号:桂教职成〔2018〕37) 通信作者:廖喜琳


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目的 探讨老年脑卒中患者复发恐惧、家庭弹性和健康促进行为之间的关系和作用路径。方法 采用便利抽样法,选取250例老年脑卒中患者作为研究对象。采用患者一般情况调查表、健康促进生活方式量表Ⅱ(HPLP-Ⅱ)、恐惧疾病进展简化量表(FoP-Q-SF)、中文版家庭弹性量表简化版(FRAS-C)开展调查。采用Process 3.3插件中的Model 4和Bootstrap程序分析家庭弹性在复发恐惧与健康促进行为间的中介效应。结果 老年脑卒中患者HPLP-Ⅱ总分为(105.00±14.14)分,FoP-Q-SF总分为(20.69±6.04)分,FRAS-C总分为(102.57±16.48)分。老年脑卒中患者复发恐惧与健康促进行为、家庭弹性均呈负相关,家庭弹性与健康促进行为呈正相关(均P<0.05)。家庭弹性在复发恐惧与健康促进行为之间起部分中介效应,效应占比为27%。结论 老年脑卒中患者健康促进行为水平较低,家庭弹性在老年脑卒中患者复发恐惧与健康促进行为间存在中介效应,复发恐惧既可直接影响老年脑卒中患者的健康促进行为,亦可通过家庭弹性间接影响老年脑卒中患者的健康促进行为。

Objective To explore the relationships between fear of recurrence, family resilience, and health-promoting behaviors in elderly stroke patients and the pathways. Methods The convenience sampling method was used to select 250 elderly stroke patients as the research subjects. The survey was conducted using the Patient General Status Questionnaire, Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile-Ⅱ (HPLP-II), Fear of Progression Questionnaire Short Form (FoP-Q-SF), and Shortened Chinese Version of the Family Resilience Assessment Scale (FRAS-C). The Model 4 and Bootstrap programs in the Process 3.3 plugin were used to analyze the mediation effect of family resilience between fear of recurrence and health-promoting behaviors. Results The total score of HPLP-II was (105.00±14.14), the total score of FoP-Q-SF was (20.69±6.04), and the total score of FRAS-C was (102.57±16.48) in elderly stroke patients. In elderly stroke patients, fear of recurrence was negatively correlated with health-promoting behaviors and family resilience, and family resilience was positively correlated with health-promoting behaviors (all P<0.05). Family resilience had a partial mediation effect between fear of recurrence and health-promoting behaviors, accounting for 27%. Conclusion The level of health-promoting behaviors in elderly stroke patients is relevantly low, family resilience has a mediation effect between fear of recurrence and health-promoting behaviors, and fear of recurrence can not only directly affect the health-promoting behaviors of elderly stroke patients, but also indirectly affect the health-promoting behaviors of elderly stroke patients through family resilience.






