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论著 | 更新时间:2023-10-31
Visualization analysis of research status and hotspots of diabetes alleviation

内科 202318卷05期 页码:442-448+455

作者机构:1 广西中医药大学护理学院,南宁市530015;2 广西中医药大学附属瑞康医院急诊科,南宁市530011


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目的 了解近二十年糖尿病缓解领域的研究现状、热点与趋势。方法 检索自建库至2022年4月1日Web of Science核心数据库中糖尿病缓解主题相关文章,运用CiteSpace 5.8.R3软件对主题相关文章的发文国家、发文机构、发文作者、被引情况、关键词等进行可视化分析。结果 糖尿病缓解相关文章共2 233篇,发文量整体呈稳步上升趋势。其中,发文量排名前5的国家分别是美国、中国、英国、意大利和印度;发文量排名前5的机构分别是哈佛大学、台湾敏盛综合医院、克里夫兰诊所、上海交通大学和华盛顿大学医院;发文量排名前5的作者分别是Weijei Lee(55篇)、Yichih Lee(31篇)、Shuchun Chen(30篇)、Konghan Ser(28篇)、Keong Chong(27篇),形成以Weijei Lee、Josep Vidal、Andres Sanchezpernaute、David E Cummings、Anita Courcoulas等学者为核心的团队,其中以Weijei Lee为核心的团队发文量最高,团队内作者合作较为紧密,团队间的交流合作较少。文献共被引分析结果示:排名前10的高被引文献的作者中,5名来自美国;排名前10的高被引文献的研究主题均与减重手术有关;排名前5的共被引期刊为《Diabetes Care》《The New England Journal of Medicine》《diabetes》《Diabetologia》《Obesity Surgery》。关键词分析结果显示:排名前20的关键词中,减重手术、减重、肥胖、胰岛素抵抗、病态肥胖、体质量指数、重量等均与减重和肥胖有关,其他关键词与结局指标和风险因素有关;长期缓解、生活方式干预是现阶段热点词汇;从1999年至2008年,糖尿病缓解研究集中在1型糖尿病,从2009年起,糖尿病缓解研究逐渐集中在2型糖尿病。结论 糖尿病缓解研究领域是学者研究的热点,美国在糖尿病缓解领域具有强大的科研实力,各团队之间的合作与交流需加强。糖尿病缓解领域的研究热点是超重、肥胖人群和减重策略, 2型糖尿病缓解生活方式干预和2型糖尿病缓解的长期效果是未来的研究趋势。当前对糖尿病缓解的研究还不够全面,1型糖尿病的缓解策略还在探索中。

Objective To understand the research status, hotspots, and trends in the field of diabetes alleviation in the past two decades. Methods Articles related to diabetes alleviation in the Web of Science core database from its establishment to April 1, 2022, were retrieved, and the CiteSpace 5.8.R3 software was used to visually analyze the countries, institutions, and authors of the included articles, as well as the cited frequency and keywords of the subject-related articles. Results There were 2,233 articles related to diabetes alleviation, and the overall number of articles showed a steady upward trend. The top 5 productive countries were the United States, China, the United Kingdom, Italy, and India; the top 5 productive institutions were Harvard University, Min-Sheng General Hospital in Taiwan, Cleveland Clinic, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and University of Washington Medical Center; the top 5 productive authors were Weijei Lee (55 articles), Yichih Lee (31 articles), Shuchun Chen (30 articles), Konghan Ser (28 articles), and Keong Chong (27 articles). Teams with Weijei Lee, Josep Vidal, Andres Sanchezpernaute, David E Cummings, and Anita Courcoulas as the cores were formed, among which the team with Weijei Lee as the core was the most productive; the cooperation in the team was quite close, but the communication and cooperation between the teams was quite poor. The results of the literature co-citation analysis showed that among the authors of the top 10 highly cited literature, 5 were from the United States; the subjects of the top 10 highly cited literature were related to bariatric surgery; the top 5 co-cited journals were Diabetes Care, The New England Journal of Medicine, diabetes, Diabetologia, and Obesity Surgery. The results of keyword analysis showed that among the top 20 keywords, bariatric surgery, weight loss, obesity, insulin resistance, morbid obesity, body mass index, weight, etc. were all related to weight loss and obesity, and other keywords were related to outcome indicators and risk factors; long-term alleviation and lifestyle intervention were the current hot words; from 1999 to 2008, diabetes alleviation research focused on type 1 diabetes mellitus, and from 2009, diabetes alleviation research gradually focused on type 2 diabetes mellitus. Conclusion The research field, diabetes alleviation, is a hotspot for scholars, in which the United States has a strong scientific research strength, and the cooperation and communication between the teams need to be strengthened. The research hotspots in the field of diabetes alleviation are overweight and obese people and weight loss strategies, and type 2 diabetes mellitus alleviation lifestyle intervention and the long-term effects of type 2 diabetes mellitus alleviation are future research trends. The current research on diabetes alleviation is not comprehensive enough, and the type 1 diabetes mellitus alleviation strategy is still being explored.






