当前位置:首页 / 来宾市945名低档暗娼艾滋病感染状况及影响因素调查分析▲
论著 | 更新时间:2017-08-24
HIV prevalence and AIDSrelated risk factors among 945 lowgrade female sex workers in Laibin city

内科 201712卷04期 页码:451-454+464

作者机构:(1 来宾市疾病预防控制中心,广西来宾市546100;2 武宣县疾病预防控制中心,广西武宣县545900; 3 合山市疾病预防控制中心,广西合山市546500;4 象州县疾病预防控制中心,广西象州县545800; 5 忻城县疾病预防控制中心,广西忻城县546200;6 金秀县疾病预防控制中心,广西金秀县545700)



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【Abstract】ObjectiveTo analyze the HIV prevalence and AIDSrelated risk factors among 945 lowgrade female sex workers in Laibin city, thereby to provide decisionmaking for making intervention measures. MethodsQuestionnaire was usesd to investigate 945 lowgrade female sex workers in Laibin city, the demographic data, information of AIDS knowledge, sexual behavior were gathered, and HIV antibody was tested. ResultsThe average age of the respondents was (38.2±7.6)years old, the educational level of the subjects major in primary school and below (89.2%); the rate of condom use during the last sexual intercourse was 93.2%, the rate of consistent condom use during commercial sex behavior was 88.4% in recent one month; the HIV antibody positive rate was 2.6%; the logistic regression analysis showed that the frequency of condom use in recent one month was the protective factor for HIV infection. ConclusionsOlder, low educational level, low rate of condom use, low awareness of AIDS are the characteristics of lowgrade female sex workers in Laibin city, the popularization of AIDS knowledge need to be strengthened among lowgrade female sex workers to improve their safety awareness.






