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论著 | 更新时间:2015-10-09
2 328例急性中毒患者中毒特征分析
Charaeteritics analysis on 2328 cases with acute poisoning

内科 201504期 页码:452-545




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目的分析急性中毒人群年龄、性别分布特征、毒物种类、性质以及中毒原因,为减少急性中毒事件的发生,制定防控措施提供参考依据。方法对广西玉林市6家县级以上综合医院收治的急性中毒患者2 328例的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果在2 328例急性中毒患者中,男女比例接近(1.02 ∶1),20以下岁年龄段中毒所占比例最高(32.52%);60岁以上年龄段所占比例最低(11.25%),中毒人群主要集中在60岁以下年龄段(88.76%)。不同年龄段人群急性中毒6种原因所占比例各不相同,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。不同年龄段人群急性中毒毒物所占比例,除动物类毒物外,其余5类毒物比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论急性中毒人群以具有劳动能力的成年人为主,男女比例接近,中毒毒物以农药类与化学类毒物为主,中毒原因以意外中毒与自杀性中毒为主。加强人们的自我防范意识,对特殊人群如农村中青年女性等进行必要的心理疏导,可减少急性中毒事件的发生。
ObjectiveTo lessen the incidence and develop constitute measures of controlling and preventing acute toxicosis via analyzing the distribution of ages, genders, types and properties of poisonous substances,and the causes of toxic cases. MethodsRetrospective analysis was used in this research and all the 2328 acute toxicosis cases were collected from six comprehensive hospitals in Yulin city.ResultsFemale and male patient cases numbers were nearly the same(the ratio of male and female was 1.02 ∶1).32.52% of the cases were below 20 years old and 11.25% of the cases were over 60 years old which were the highest and lowest percentage respectively.88.67% of cases were below 60 years old which was the main toxicosis population.Ratio of each old range was different and the statistical discrepancy between them significant(P<0.01).Discrepancy of 5 categories in 6 was significant(P<0.01, except the zootoxin substance). ConclusionsAdult labour population is the major in acute toxicosis cases, female and male cases appeared the same, farm chemical and chymic toxicant were the major substances in toxicosis events, thunderbolt and suicide were the main causes. Safety education and psychological assistance would be significative, especially for the young womenfolk in the rural areas.
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